Industrial facilities and various logistics halls often do not require such an aesthetic entity, but technical matters of lighting such as glare, occupational safety and separate regulations play a major role. In industrial premises, work tasks and facilities are different, which is why a suitable solution must be designed for each site. The added value of well-designed and implemented industrial lighting is high, as it can affect work efficiency and the prevention of accidents at work. Lighting must not be dazzled, but there must be enough of it for hectic work. Our range includes suitable LED products.
The standards define minimum requirements for industrial lighting. The lighting plan ensures adequate and functional lighting that follows the standards.
Occupational safety and cost-effectiveness
Adequate lighting increases work efficiency, but above all occupational safety. Especially in tasks requiring precision, the lack of glare of lighting is a key factor.
Led luminaires provide cost-effective and long-lasting lighting thanks to their efficient colouring ability.
Lighting automation is also worthwhile in industrial spaces. The presence of the sensor turns on the lights from circulation, and the times can always be used to turn on the lights at the desired time, such large spaces are not illuminated unnecessarily and even large savings are made in electricity and luminaires...