

Windowless conference room, open-plan office, small office room, all of these set different requirements for lighting. The offices must have adequate but unscrupulous lighting for work. The power of lighting and the colour temperature of light can be directed to implement and support the natural circadian rhythm of man. Lighting can therefore affect endocrine function, human alertness and effectiveness throughout the working day. It is important that the work is carried out in safe and adequate lighting.

Our range includes lamps that allow every employee of the company to customize the lighting at their own workstation to suit themselves.

Amount of light

The lighting design of the offices must take into account the purpose of use, light intensity, unscension and smoothness of light. General lighting often favours indirect lighting to reduce shadows and create even lighting. Workstations often require lighting suitable for precise work, the need for light in meeting rooms can often vary, and in public areas more soothing lighting can again be preferred. Too little or too much lighting is often distracting from the point of view of work.

Color temperature

The colour temperature must be considered taking into account the functions that take place in the room and taking into account the user. Workstations often prefer adjustable lighting, allowing the user to adjust the colour temperature to suit them.


The glare is due to the high contrast difference. Glare often makes it difficult to work, it can manifest itself, for example, as a reflection on a computer screen and as a strain on the eyes. Glare can be prevented by the adequacy and smoothness of lighting, the wide-angled lamp illuminates the space on a balance sheet, reducing contrast differences.
