Save money with lighting!
Replacing lighting in factory halls often starts to bring economic benefits to the company immediately!
The luminaires of many industrial halls and factories are often at the end of their service life and the repair of old luminaires no longer makes sense. By replacing old luminaires with new LED luminaires, an energy-efficient and intelligent lighting system is created in the premises.
A good way to reduce energy consumption is to upgrade the lighting to LEDs, which is one of the most profitable investments for companies. Lighting renovation when you start to generate economic benefits for the company right away. The typical payback period is about 2–4 years, depending on the light needs of the object, the burning time of the luminaires and the improvement of the lighting level compared to the starting situation.
The sooner you make a decision on lighting renovation, the better, because on average the price of electricity has risen over the past 20 years and will continue to do so. So, if you consider the situation a few years from now, the savings from lighting renovation will only increase on an annual basis.
Lighting reform starts with the lighting plan, as it is not always best to place new luminaires in the place of the old ones. It is a good idea to choose a professional to help with the renovation, as they know how to take into account the requirements created by the purpose of the space with the available resources in the design. In the lighting plan, attention is paid to, for example, the lighting intervals, the models and number of luminaires, their lifespan and the level of illumination. The starting point for the design and the definition of the current state are EN standards 12464-1 (indoor workspaces) and 12464-2 (outdoor workspaces).
Additional savings with lighting control
From the point of view of energy saving, lighting control plays a very important role. With the control, the lights can only be lit when there is a need for it, and this means significant savings on an annual basis. It is also possible to take advantage of natural light from outside and adjust the level of illumination of the object to constantly remain as desired.
KVS Oy offers the best possible lighting solutions for lighting renovation of industrial premises
We offer the best, individually designed solutions for the lighting renovation of industrial premises. By combining high-quality luminaires with the Casambi lighting control system, significant energy savings can be achieved almost instantly.