Optimaalisen valaistuksen ansiosta mm. hedelmät ja vihannekset saadaan ruokakaupassa hehkumaan ja se taas houkuttaa asiakkaita ostamaan tuotteita.
In store lighting, well-designed lighting has a positive impact on sales and lighting works as part of the display. In this case, the customer's attention is drawn to the products sold and they thrive in a space that is unscrupulous and appropriate in atmosphere. Light makes it easy to control the customer's behaviour in a store environment. Well-designed lighting can make products more visible and highlight their colours and texts.
Amount of light
In commercial spaces, the need for light often varies. Inside the store, lighting brings out the products, and in the checkout areas the lighting should be sufficient to make things easier. Display windows can be illuminated at levels of lighting higher than other spaces to create an attractive impression.
In stores, it is also a good idea to pay attention to the ColorIng Index (CRI) of luminaires. The high coloring index reproduces the colors of the products as true.
In stores, lamps are preferred to create uniform and unscrupulous lighting. General lighting is often created with wider powerful lamps and target lamps are used to highlight specific products or compartments. LED strips can be used to create stand-out details, illuminate shelves, access routes or logos.